
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Crowd Control

Finally, I’m done watching G.I. Joe together with my friends. As we were expecting, there’s a heavy crowd and we have to our best just to buy our tickets. We even saw a lady shouting and keep on complaining about the improper lining system implemented in that cinema.

Well, we can’t blame her because she’s actually saying the truth. We witnessed how heavy the crowd was and witnessed that they were not prioritizing that much with their public guidance system. I guess they should start implementing line management system and proper public guidelines with the use of some crowd control products to prevent any possible unwanted situations like riots or even stampede. Crowd control products help people stay in lines at the bank, for concerts, political events, at the grocery store and anywhere someone needs an orderly line. There will be no more complaints and everything will fall into one place, systematized and very well-organized.

A high traffic area like cinema should be using Metal Barriers or barricades to control the heavy crowd or they can also use some portable post or stanchions fixed with decorative velvet rope to implement line management and public guidance within the area. Stanchions are a standard way to do this. There are retractable belts, velvet rope and more ways being developed all the time. Barricades are for traffic control, security and privacy. There are fence barricades, traffic cones, pipe and drape walls.

Hopefully, by passing these concerns to their management team, they will do something about it and we are expecting to see greater improvements the next time we drop by again to watch another movie.

sweetie norm